Fix a leaking terrace veranda or steps
Fix a leaking terrace veranda or steps We see some water dripping off the veranda or steps and hope that its g...
People often ask what is the best way to light the exterior walls of their home, garden walls or patios.
Fortunately in Portugal we have access to li...
Building a low-cost garden sun shade
Pergolas, sun shades and Alpendres make a very welcome addition to any garden, terrace or pool side patio.Buildi...
Narrow or steep stairs
Are a constant problem in homes the house holder become use to them and may not have any problems using them for a while and t...
Painting exterior walls
Most people want to keep their Portuguese properties in good condition, attractive and well maintained. It could be the influ...
Building land
Location, Location, Location are still the three most important considerations when buying a property that will be easy to live in and ...
There is nothing better than a warm swimming pool
Lazing around in our warm swimming pool , cooling off in those hot summer months make you glad that...
Cost to Renovate
What does it cost to renovate a house in Portugal ? Was there ever a bigger question? Or a question more open to misinformation in t...