Woodworm is a problem in old Portuguese houses
Woodworm, as you have probably already heard, is a problem in old Portuguese houses.
Woodworm is a problem in old Portuguese houses with a mixture of the right climate and unprotected wood used to build homes its wood worm heaven.
Wood worm control or prevention is a major concern to anyone spending money on refurbishing or building a home here in Portugal.
With insects varying in size from the huge wood wasps to tiny wood-boring insects such as Xestobium rufovillosum, The death-watch Beatle.

Once a support beam in a sheltered part of the house, usually the roof or floors is devoured by the wood boring insects the bean starts to sag or just crumbles resulting in dipping floors or roofs which let the rain in. Once the rain is allowed to contact the roof timber the mixture of dry rot and woodwork attack can result in a collapsed roof in a very short time.
If you are lying in bed or sitting quietly you can often hear a crunching sound all night, every night. It’s the Death-watch Beatle whose head makes a clicking sound as it burrows into the wood.
I know clients who it has driven crazy. The pear under the floor or up in the roof space trying to find the source of the noise.
As the woodworm is actually inside the wood its impossible to locate them.
We have just the thing to sort them out.
Once everything wooden in the house structure is treated. You should have no problem.
“The beams supporting the first floor ie: the ground floor ceiling beams Is the woodworm treated in those beams, or is it still active?” It will be active at the moment.
The previous owners or people before they used old engine oil to treat the woodwork.
It’s free, cosmetic and does nothing harmful to the insects because they are already inside the wood, chomping away merrily.
To find out more about the death watch beetle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deathwatch_beetle
Contact info@casteloconstruction.com to discuss the best solution for your woodworm problem.