Building a new house in Portugal
If you are about to start Building a new house in Portugal or would like to Build a new house in Portugal
This is the ideal blog for you
You would think that there would be a check list for doing this wouldn’t you.
A simple list in order of importance that people like you could follow and cut out the stress from Building a new house in Portugal.
Unfortunately we often meet people who have started half way down the list and then have to back track in order to cover all the important bases. Don’t get me wrong it’s a perfectly understandable thing to do if you are sitting in a cold rainy UK, Germany or Holland dreaming of your ideal place to live in the sun.

I am guilty myself of sketching floor plans and elevation plans of my ideal home. One design even had an Italian inspired tower!. So I do realize that you are not alone!
The first consideration is the land. Location, Location, location.
Have you established for certain that the land can have a dwelling built on it.
Is there access for construction vehicles. Is the ground suitable for building on without huge additional cost.
Can you actually fit the size of home that you want on the land with outbuildings and a swimming pool (are you sure).
Is there water and power nearby that won’t be difficult or take a long time to make utility connections so that you can live in the finished home.
Plans drawings sketches, photographs. Do you have a firm idea of the property that you want to build. Number of bedrooms, size and number of floors.
You probably do and you may be one of the 20% of people we meet who are trying to find a plot of land that will accommodate their recently paid for house design. In the process they forget or are forced to give way on the three most important rules –
Location, Location, location
Here are the Top 10 Mistakes People Make When They Build Their Own Homes
- Focusing on Wants Before Needs
- Buying a House Plan Before the Land
- Not Picturing Family Dynamics When Picking Plans
- Thinking the Cost of All Square Footage Is Equal
- Choosing a Complicated Footprint Just Because
- Not Considering the Benefits of Universal Design
- Valuing Cubic Volume Above Square Footage
- Maligning or Over-Appreciating Hallways
- Incorporating Excessive Extras
- Designing Without a Strategy
Published on June 24, 2016 by Rachel Lyon
You can read the full article here;