Thinking of moving to Portugal

If you are thinking of moving to Portugal or are actually in the process of moving to Portugal we think this blog post will be of interest to you.
‘Generally speaking, our home is the most expensive asset we are ever likely to own and for the majority of us, our home is our nest egg, setting us up for retirement when we do finally sell and downsize.
If you are Up-sizing or Down-sizing we can help you achieve your ideal home in Portugal.
‘it’s understandable that the sales price is the biggest fear during the selling process, as that couple of extra thousand gained or lost, can make a big difference in the grand scheme of things.’
If the “Selling “ is out of the way then there is the “buying” of a new home in Portugal. Once bought they you have the “making the house your own” phase.
This could be remodeling, refurbishing and extending. In rare cases knocking down an d rebuilding if the plot is better and had more potential than the existing house. We have carried out all of these works for the last 10 years.
Separate research earlier this year that suggested moving house is more stressful that even having a child.
Almost 2,000 recent home movers were asked by consumer champions Which? to rate how stressful they found a number of life events.
Divorce came top with 79 per cent saying it was stressful, followed by selling a home at 70 per cent and having a child at 53 per cent.
TOP TEN FEARS OVER MOVING HOME Rank Fear Factors % of Sellers
1st Not getting the price wanted or needed 55%
2nd The stress of it all 46%
3rd Not being able to sell in the time needed 43%
4th Paying too much in estate agents fees 36%
5th Finding a new property to live in 22%
6th Dealing with the buyer 14%
7th Picking the wrong estate agent 12%
8th Getting a mortgage for the next property 10%
9th The next property dropping in value in the future
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Whatever your plans are for your new home in Portugal its worth talking to Castelo Construction because of our extensive experience in dealing with people going through exactly the same process that you are.