Making your new home in Portugal special
We would all like a few ideas,hacks or instructions on how to make our new home in Portugal special.
You can safely leave the quality of build up to us and when we hand over your new home, refurbishment project or extension there are some things that you can do which can make such a huge difference to the impression that your new home delivers.

1, Get your interior design head on – well in advance, even before we lay a brick.
The standard internal colour of paint here is white for walls and ceilings but it doesn’t have to be.
If you were to open up a pintrest account you would have access to actual interior design ideas that would transform your white box rooms into beautiful examples of your personality.
I particularly like pintrest because you can pick and mix colours, textures, materials and
furniture styles without being an interior design expert.
Traditionally called an ideas board or scrapbook. They can be looked at over and over and commented on by your friends and family.
We are happy to apply the colours and finishes that you choose.
The benefit of good colour balance was really brought home to me recently when I was walking around a clients home. The painters were in and although I remembered that the original colour was a kind of off white and I could see the painters applying the new paint I could not remember the original colour as the new colour looked so right.
It played well in the space and with the natural light. It was only when I went into a partly painted room that I could see the distinct difference between the two. The new colour was actually a very light grey satin (the colour the specific colour code of which i will be copying for my own home!.)
Its nice to have creative clients!