The estate agents information will tell you that “the electricity supply is nearby and easy to connect”.
You may have to take a large pinch of salt with this information. If you are interested in buying a plot of land or a ruin to renovate or a new house. The electrical supply cables may indeed be nearby but how can you tell?
I know of one person who assumed or was misled (this depends upon which side you talk too) that the line of power cables running parallel to the land he was buying would only have to be lead to his plot a distance of approximately 50 meters so that the power connection could be made.
Instead the EDP who install the power to properties decided that those cables were not of the right type and insisted that they connect to another supply requiring SEVEN power poles to be erected. You already know who was asked to foot the bill !
Of course if he had done the sensible thing and paid someone independent to help him get a quote for the installation of electricity to his plot. He would have known where he stood before he agreed to buy. At least he now has a subject to bore acquaintances with. Unfortunately!
This is how we assist our clients – Hello XXX,
The EDP letter I found in your post box is just to say that the energy supply for the building is viable, but they say that charge to install the supply to the house is are likely. As they have to extend the electric power line to the site.
We already know this and will be getting a quote from them in due course. The install to the boxes that we build in your retaining wall and we install the cables from them to your house.
As soon as we have the building license. The electrician will prepare a document so that we can apply to the EDP for a “Baixada de Obras”.
The EDP will then send to your house a letter with the costs of extending the electric line to the house.
We need to build the part of the wall where the meter box will be located asap and fit the equipment that is needed to allow the EDP inspectors to come and see if everything is in order.
If it meets with their approval they will then send you a quote for line costs. You will then pay, and wait (a while) for them to connect it.
Castelo Construction
When you are looking at old houses that have electricity many of them will have an electricity meter inside the house like this one complete with a birds nest on top.

It is never certain that the electricity will be reconnected to these meters if it has been cut off due to the previous person moving out some time ago or not paying their bill.
The EDP may force you to build a wall like this

to house all the modern electricity related boxes. The walls go on the edge of your property so that the EDP can read the meter without having to inside your property.
The new wall, boxes and meter are of course at your cost and could delay the power connection to your property by a month or more.
We all know that councils, utility companies, planning departments and lawyers are impossible to speed up in our home countries so dont expect and different here and plan accordingly.
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