That’s right it may sound extreme and a collapsed roof certainly is serious not to mention very dangerous.
We often go to homes after being called out to fix a leaking roof. The home owners normally think its just a couple of broken roof tiles and often of course it is.

When we fix the leaking roof we obviously take a look at what caused the leak.
Very often it could be a clumsy satellite TV guy who walked on the tiles and although he probably heard the tile break could not be bothered to swap it out.
Then of course we come across roofs that are badly effected by leaking and it causes serious damage to the roof joists and occasionally the main roof purlins (main roof support) if this rots out then the roof cannot support its own weight.
The lack of support can pull down chimneys, collapse gables or push out of line the perimeter walls.
All of which cause sudden and catastrophic roof collapse.
So what should you do.
You probably don’t want to go on the roof yourself. Its difficult to know what to look for and its dangerous.
Contact Castelo construction. We know how to replace roof tiles, repair roofs and even replace roofs.
The key thing is to ACT act now so that we can see what the problems are, were the rain water is lying and from their we can work out how best to fix the problem, cheaply and quickly.
Castelo Construction carry out all kinds of building work in Portugal and we are ready to take a look at your leaking roof.
Contact by email on this link CasteloConstruction or call 00351 927168247
We will call you back and make an appointment to see your roof problem promptly.
To see more articles related to roof problems please follow one of these links or take a look at some of our projects on