If your house roof leaks it is no laughing matter. It always seems to happen when the weather is cold to add to the misery.

We were called out to a house recently which had a roof leak or should I say many roof leaks judging by the number of pots, pans and even an old ice-cream container being used to collect the water in a vain effort to stop the water effecting the polished wooden floor.
Despite the rain and wind we did go up on the roof and found that there were a number of broken roof tiles and some tiles which had slipped out of position. Roof tiles are not nailed in place in Portugal.
Unfortunately we could not carry out an instant fix because we did not have the exact same roof tiles which is a common problem here in Portugal.
Even if we did have identical tiles on the truck we could not have taken off the old broken tiles because doing sop would have let a large amount of water into the house as it was still raining hard.
Word of warning – Never let anyone fit “almost matching roof tiles” during a repair they will always cause problems in the future.
We arranged for 30 identical roof tiles and as soon as we had a dry day we replaced all the broken tiles ( 6 in all) replaced the tiles which had slipped out-of-place and also realigned the roof in the place where it had sagged. The sagging was caused by the main roof purling being effected/weekend by wood worm and wet rot.
If you have a roof problem contact Castelo Construction by clicking this email link.
We will call you and arrange to come and see your roof leak problem