They are not everyone’s cup of tea but we love the traditional stone houses in central Portugal.
They can be made from granite to sandstone, limestone or schist they fit beautifully into the landscape and are a fantastic foundation to make a cosy, attractive and comfortable home.

We are often invited to carry out some of the heavier works in a refurbishment project and we are often pleasantly surprised at the quality of work that people carry out on their traditional stone houses in central Portugal.
Most new buyers of traditional stone houses in Portugal fall out of love with them pretty quickly when they start a DIY refurbishment or extension project.
The reason for this fall out is that they forget about addressing the fundamentals.
No. 1, Just be cause a house is made of stone does not mean that it is of sturdy construction. Modern brick and concrete homes are often a lot stronger.
No.2, Get rid of any damp first. Make sure that you are refurbishing on a dry sold structure.
No. 3, Make sure that the roof is sound and not sagging,bowing,dished or leaking. If there is woodworm (there will be) have it treated.
No.4, Are the wooden floors springy if they are strengthen them before putting up new partitions for bathrooms or bedrooms.
No.5 Is the cesspit/septic tank, council sewerage working properly,running freely.
Now you can start work on making the property a home and putting your individual stamp on it.
If in doubt contact us for a chat
see some of our project at