At this time of year when the first rains come many of us find ourselves focusing on our roofs and often there are more questions than answers.
Let us start by looking at this typical house roof in Portugal.

Looks OK doesn’t it and if the roof was on our home or prospective new home we wouldn’t be too concerned.
That’s the trouble with Portuguese houses. Their roofs look like they have been there for ages and look as though they will be OK for many years to come.
So just what are the Questions and Answers that a new home owner should ask about the roof. When I say ask I don’t mean that you ask the estate agent or owner I mean what should you look for.

I always start at the top and work down.
What does the ridge look like – is it level, are there any missing coping tiles and are the finals (points at the ends of the roof) still in good condition.
How do the roof tiles look. Are they covered in lichen or moss. Lichen shows that the local area is damp/humid and that the roof tiles are made of un-fired earth. Probably sun dried clay which is porous and not frost proof.
As a result the roof tiles are very soft and break easily when walked upon. They also bend out of shape when the roof sags with age. Just like this roof.
Are there any slipped or missing tiles. Bingo !
We have at least one out of position tile. It is definitely worth while finding out why this tile is out of place and checking inside the house for water damage.
Can you see any tiles that have been replaced, renewed or re arranged. Yes there is a place on the roof that looks like the roof tiles have been taken off and re-laid. This could be a sign that the roof timbers have recently rotted through and the roof repaired. Check that it has been repaired correctly.
From what looks at first glance to be a fine roof with no problems we have established that there are 3 areas which we should investigate before going any further.
In fact if you want to be sure why not ask Castelo Construction to take a thorough look on your behalf and most importantly Before you make an offer it is always best to have all the questions and answers to hand when making a big decision.
Castelo Construction have been building and renovation homes in Portugal for over ten years. We speak English & Portuguese. We deliver outstanding results for our clients.
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