Just bought a house in Portugal ?
If you have been to Portugal recently and bought a property for renovation.
Here is some very good news – We can help you.
Money may be tight and you will want to do as much of the work that you can which is perfectly understandable.
A word of warning before you start work.
Castelo Construction often meet people like you who were full of eagerness and cracked on with the renovation work only to discover that the property had an unforeseen problem.
Usually involving the roof structure or damp which caused them to pause work while they arranged for us to take a look and give advice on how best to proceed.
No one wants to pull down and remove work that has already been done. It causes huge friction between the owners and of course a lot of unnecessary cost.
When major problems like the roof or damp are identified it is important to know that they can be sorted out. Some people carry on work anyway and try to cover the problems up sighting lack of funds as the reason.
This is really a bad idea because in buildings major problems ALWAYS come back to haunt you.
You could end up living in a damp home which when the time comes to sell will require a large reduction in price to sell it if you eventually can find a buyer.
The best solution if you are buying a home in Portugal is to arrange for Castelo Construction to come and have a good look at the place and give you an honest opinion of what needs to be done before you start your renovation.
We will tell you the facts warts and all. Armed with these you can negotiate harder, re arrange your budget or put the remedial work to the top of your list.
Click here to see some of our renovation and new build projects in detail