If you are searching Portugal for a property to buy you will have no doubt studied many websites.
Found a region that suites your taste and pocket and then started a thorough search to buy a house in Portugal
You are no doubt focused on buying your ideal house in Portugal but do you know if is going to be a money pit or smart investment.
Take these two properties one new and one old.
Both have serious cracks in the external walls. Which one would you buy and which one would you run away from.

In order to choose between the two properties we need to look at what caused the cracks in the first place.
This old house appears to have suffered from broken roof tiles letting the rain water into the exterior wall.
The roof tiles probably broke as a result of the roof timbers sagging.
The newer property has subsided a little and the reinforced concrete of the veranda is not strong enough to support the weight.

There is a similar problem on a veranda further along the block.
Which is the money pit or smart investment.
My personal preference would be for the older house.
I believe that the cracked wall problem although it looks worse is actually easier to fix and it will remain fixed for the foreseeable future.
The newer property has a problem associated to bad structural design or bad construction methods or materials.
The fact that there is a similar problem further down the road would have me running away fast.
This is probably the tip of a very long series of problems that these apartments will face.
If you would like the peace of mind that our property appraisals give you. Contact info@casteloconstruction.com and take the doubt out of your property purchase in Portugal.
These links will take you to further posts on cracks in buildings