If you are asking yourself how do I do a property survey?
You have come to the right place and particularly if you are looking at properties in Portugal.
There is no need to be an Structural Engineer or a Surveyor if you want to carry out your own assessment of a house.

The less background knowledge and experience you have of course makes it more difficult but not impossible and if you think about it.
We all do this informal “Survey” when we are looking at buying a home.
The thing is to get the basics right.
You need to know what the property is made of Stone (Pedra) or hollow brick and render.
Then think “GRAVITY” when you carry out your personal survey.
Starting at the top of the house and work downwards like gravity. Walk around the outside of the property and if you can’t see all sides go onto adjoining land to make sure that you can.
Is the top of the roof line (ridge) level.
Can you see any holes in the roof or missing, moved roof tiles.
Is the chimney straight?
Are there any plants or grass growing on the roof.
Can you see an obvious sag in the mid roof section or a hump.
If it has gutters and drain pipes are these straight. Any of them bent or missing?
If there are adjoining roofs are the flashing’s in place?
If there are roof lights, dormer windows or water tanks on top of the roof do they appear to be in good condition. Take binoculars to get a good look.
Now go inside the house to the upstairs ceiling. You have brought your ladder with you haven’t you?
Don’t be put off by the many inches of bat poo, birds’ nests, dead cats, rats and insects. Get inside the roof space with a strong flashlight.

You are now looking for obvious daylight shining in.
Broken roof joists
Rotten ceiling joists, rotten tile laths, rotten roof joists and beams (purlins)
The condition of any visible wiring.
The condition of any flues or chimneys going through the roof space.
Take great care in walking around these spaces falling through ceilings is dangerous and very embarrassing if you have not already bought the property.
The above is your list to get started on a survey and we are only at the top of the house!
If you would like a bigger check list please get in touch. info@casteloconstruction.com
If you would like Castelo Construction to take a look on your new home or a home that you are interested in buying we can do that even if you are not here in Portugal.
Our written reports with lots of photographs enable you to make a quick decision on the purchase price and whether to buy or not.