Summer is almost upon us. It is 36 degrees and there is a real feel-good vibe in the air.

We are experiencing the first real heat of the year.
Time for relaxing in the garden, dining outside in the cool of the evening or going to a river beach for a cool down.
It is a very human condition to wish that summer would hurry up and get here and once it arrives we complain that it is too hot, can’t find a breeze or when we sit outside in the evening the mozzies find us all too soon.
The answer is a shaded area that you can sit and have lunch under in the heat of the day, entertain friends in the evening and just relax reading a book enjoying the view, garden or some music in the cool.
Sun Shades can be almost any shape size and height. They are called pergolas or alpendres in Portugal. You can use all sorts of materials from local bamboo to old wooden rafters and willow withys.
Once you have lived in your Portuguese home for a year probably a lot less you will understand the benefit of shade.
You can steel ideas from all around you and improve on your neighbors design or you can copy designs from all over the world by lending books from the library or searching the internet.
One of the main considerations is Location – get this right and you are half way there.
Another consideration is size. make sure that the shaded area is not just big enough to cover the dining table but also account for the sun sinking and shining from the side.
If you are going to have a roof that is tiled on your new garden shade you may want to consider insulating it. We always insulate the roofs because it stops the roof tiles getting hot and then depositing the stored heat on your head as you sit in the shade trying to cool down.
Positioning the sunshade is another factor in its success. Is it going to be near the barbeque or outside kitchen, facing the best view or in a beautiful part of the garden?
The choice is up to you.
From a cost point of view the main things which control the cost are the size, materials that it is made of and the location of the shade. If you have a favorite design or would like to see some of the alpendres/sun shades that we have built then contact Kelvin on
We would love to chat about the sunshade ideas that you have and provide accurate prices for building to your design.
Don’t worry a rough sketch is fine !