Is there anything that highlights a house as being Portuguese more than stone around windows and doors.

Originally the stones were used to make window and door frames by adding structure to the loose stone walls with mud infill.
Nowadays they serve a purely decorative function.
I really like the stone around windows and doors because you can change the character of a property for instance if you had bought a nondescript even ugly property like a barn, Adega or industrial building with a coat of render and some stone features around the doors and windows you can transform it into a palace.

You don’t have to go over the top and some features/details won’t add to some properties.
With a bit of careful consideration as to the size, thickness and type of stone you can really make an Impact on a renovation or new build.
As well as type of stone (appearance) there is also hardness and the harder the stone the more it will stand up to the weather and retain any detailed carvings. Talk to Castelo Construction to find out your options and the cost of fitting stone detail to your home in Portugal