Swimming pools are the stuff of lottery dreamers.
The must be very high on the list of items in an ideal home. You need some good weather to enjoy a pool of course so Portugal is an ideal location.
If you are buying building or refurbishing a home in Portugal pool or no pool will be a major consideration.
There are many decisions to make. Will it be a full swimming pool or a plunge pool, just somewhere to cool off. If it is a full swimming pool will it have a deep end and a shallow end or be level along the bottom, Jacuzzi section, children’s paddling pool, roman steps the list of features is endless that’s before we come to the type of water treatment, filtration, lighting and heating.
Oh yes I forgot Budget !
Whatever type of pool from the lowly paddling pool to the most exclusive indoor extravaganza with led lighting and waterfalls they all share on thing in common.
Pool Maintenance
There are people employed all over the world to keep people pools sparkling and clean but what happens if you are looking to buy a property and the pool looks like this.

Would it put you off buying the property?
In a couple of short months the water in a swimming pool can lose its chlorine due to the rain and the sun resulting in the rapid build-up of green algae in the water add on top of this a scum of pine pollen and you have a pool that looks less like the fantasy you one had and more like a clip from a horror movie.

How to fix the problem swimming pool?
First drop the level of the water so that you can see the lights and other pool fittings liker the jets, skimmers, hoover point and lights.
Check the lights and replace the bulbs as required. In this instance one of the bulbs and light fittings was damages so we replaced with a LED light fitting which are a crazy price for a simple light.

Then the tough part. With a very soft sponge and some floor cleaner like flash we start to scrub the tide marks around the pool. It takes a couple of goes and an awful lot of elbow grease.
Eventually as you rinse off the mess you start to see a clean pool liner at last.
Lower down the green algae and pine pollen has left a pink line around the pool. This will disappear once the water level is correct and the pool chemicals balanced.
The cleaning of the swimming pool walls took three hours before we could treat the residual water with chlorine shock and start to re fill the pool.

Contact info@casteloconstruction for help in planning, building and repairing your swimming pool.