While inspecting an old house recently for clients we came across this on the underside of this roof “Green is not always nice”

Green unless its paint of course is not what you want to see on timber because it is normally a sign of likely damp, rot and woodworm problems.
This time the underside of the roof tiles were also effected by this green algae growth.
What does this green tell us.
If you remember the old boy scout saying “moss always grows on the north side of the tree trunk” then we are probably looking at a roof on the north side of the property.
The reason that the roof timbers are going green and rotten is that the roof tiles are laid at too flat an angle so rain water is blowing back under them and wetting the roof timbers. Something that needs to be addressed to stop the timbers rotting through and the roof collapsing.

The other tell-tale problem is that the the underside of the roof tiles are also green in places. Which denotes that they are old sun dried clay tiles which absorb water and can be broken by frost. Modern roof tiles are kiln dried and dont have this problem.
Whats the answer.
Increase the angle of the roof, check the strength of the roof timbers, ventilate under the roof and change the roof tiles to frost proof or risk roof leaks in the future.
Castelo Construction. Helps people like you to get the very best out of your new home in central Portugal.
Whether it is an old house that you want to refurbish or a new home which you want to construct. We help you to make the most of any property project with our professional, design, construction, project management and maintenance services.
Professionally managed services with full accountability ensure that you get what you want. On time and to budget. We work only with experienced and licensed tradesmen, architects and engineers to deliver exceptional results.
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