If you are interested in buying an older home there are 5 things to remember which will help you in finding the perfect renovation property in Portugal.
If we were going to buy a renovation property in Portugal we would use these five points to help us in our decision making process. They have been learned from our involvement in over 100 renovations in Portugal.

1. You may be the future king or queen of all you survey but is it yours?, are you sure absolutely certain?? Make sure before you pay the deposit that the boundaries have been clearly marked.
2, Don’t be tempted to buy an old property that is almost good enough to live in. you will be buying a property where lots of things need to be ripped out and re done this can be far more expensive than buying a more ruined, distressed property.
3, Don’t expect the drainage, sewerage or electricity supply to be adequate in fact put 2,000 to 3,000 in your budget and you will be presently surprised if it is one of those very rare occurrences that they are suitable.
4, The roof will definitely have woodworm unless its concrete. Then it will have no insulation, budget to treat the woodworm and to add insulation.
5, Draw up an exact list of the work that you want doing and go over it several times or you will definitely be over budget at the end of your refurbishment.
if you are looking for a pair of safe hands to help realize your new home in Portugal contact Castelo Construction on 927168247 or email us and we will call you back