Concrete beam removing inside a room
Concrete beam removing inside a room We carry out this type of work all the time because our clients want more headroom in the ground floor of their homes or because the concrete beam was poorly constructed and they are unsure how strong it is. We also remove, lift up and reposition wooden beams in this case supporting a first floor. The fist step is to look at the condition of the walls that the beam is currently resting on and were its going to be resting. If these walls are not sound do not attempt to remove or reposition the beam without making the sound and waiting for the cement and concrete to dry sufficiently so that its structurally sound. Weight is your biggest enemy. If a beam was to break or fall during the move it could easily bring the support walls down on top of you. NB: many demolition contractors are killed every year by just such an occurrence. No hard had will save you in this type of accident. Support everything, move slowly don’t be tempted to drop things to the floor if you want to stay safe. Remove all the weight off the beam before attempting to move or remove it. Use sufficient numbers of adjustable props to take the weight of the beam. Clear space in the supporting wall so that the beam can be lifted. Move the beam with the props very slowly and keep it level at all times. This is not a one man job and should never be attempted by the inexperienced raise the beam above the final resting position so that a solid foundation can be created to spread the load of the beam and the weight that it will be supporting. Once the beams foundation is set and cured. slowly lower the beam to its new position and piece it into the walls.
Do not start putting weight on the beam until it is firmly set into its new position. Or you can save yourself the stress, probable hernia and worry by calling Castelo Construction Lda SKYPE casteloconstruction Phone 00351 927168247 we are based in central Portugal For information on what we do go to