bargain house for sale Portugal If you are looking for a bargain house for sale Portugal or want to buy cheap or discounted properties there is a way. Local finance authorities ( the tax man( sell properties when debts are not paid. A good percentage of these properties are taken out of the auctions when the debts are paid at the last moment

however bargains can be had. Try The banks also dispose of properties via auction and use this site
What to do one you have bid for and bought your bargain home. It will no doubt be in a distressed state.
Very often the properties will have door locks damaged, wiring and light fittings stripped out. Plumbing wrenched from the walls and snapped off. Anything of value will have been stripped out including kitchens and interior doors.
Ask Castelo Construction to carry out a property appraisal so that you will know exactly what needs to be done to make the property habitable and also how much it will cost to bring back to its former glory. If you want down to earth guidance on what can be achieved within your budget go to Or contact us via email talk to us on SKYPE Castelo or Phone 00351 927168247