Replacing timber beams
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Here is a recent horror story which fortunately has a happy ending.
As part of a major refurbishment project we had removed and replaced various joist and floor boards because of severe wood worm damage and wet rot. This is quite normal as we moved on through the property we replaced a joist and a supporting beam to allow more headroom in a confined area. The joist was quite badly eaten by wood worm but the large beam was sound. We just needed to make more headroom.
Having supported the floor which the beam was supporting with special adjustable props and braces we cut through the beam so that it could be replaced. Normally at this point you have to wrestle the ends that are fixed into the wall outwards so that you can remove them. Not in this case they just fell out under their own weight !
Basically 70% of the timber that was inside the stone walls was eaten away by wood worm and wet rot.

This was not visible from the exterior of the beam when it was in position. Where its only function was to look like a support beam as it wasn’t supporting anything.

We then decided to see the full extent of the problem and inspected the remaining support beams.This picture shows a fairly thick shafted screwdriver being used to probe the strength of the large structural timber beam.

This picture shows that with just a little hand pressure we were able to push the screwdriver fully into the beam. A real accident waiting to happen so this beam was also replaced. Fortunately there were only two badly effected beams and now that they are replaced the home owner can relax.
If you unsure about any part of the structure of your property including replacing timber beams its best to have it checked. If a problem is discovered advice on remedial action is free.
contact to see some example of the work that we do go to
To see how we replace structural beams go to