Signs of damp
Signs of damp in your home. Musty smell especially on cold damp days White fluffy bits of salty looking deposits on your internal or external walls (Efflorescence).
The surface of brick, plaster, render and stone walls breaking up and splitting Areas of internal walls were there is damp patches or actual running water. These are caused when temperature and humidity in the environment around the walls change.
Soluble salts are deposited on the walls surface as the moisture within the walls escapes to the air (your home) and the salts are left behind. More commonly the source of this water is groundwater penetration, surface condensation or penetrating damp.
Because walls are porous even walls made of brick or stonework the soluble salts cause hydroscopic activity ( attracting water vapor) to the salts deposited on the surface of your walls without high levels of humidity. There is a lot of money being made in Portugal with products by the score that claim to treat “salitre” as its called in Portugal.
Most of these products are “band aids” temporary cover ups not real treatment of the problem. Especially as the walls that are going to be treated and not sufficiently dried out before treatment commences.
A wet stone wall of the usual thickness 600 to 800 mm thick can take a very long time to dry out. So long in fact that you probably wouldn’t want to live in the house with the plaster,cement render,wood cladding, whitewash or paint removed.
Talk to casteloconstruction
Signs of damp