Narrow or steep stairs
Are a constant problem in homes the house holder become use to them and may not have any problems using them for a while and then they have visitors who are old, infirm or who have children and you are at best on edge in case of an accident or at worst calling the bombiros because of an accident. Often when trying to maximize living space in a house that is being renovated the stairs are the first area that gets sacrificed for more space. Making them steeper or narrower or installing a small spiral staircase. None of which are a sound solution.
Tell us about your problem stairs we will be able to help As important as safety is there is another compelling reason why not to spoil your home with a poor choice of staircase. Property’s with problem staircases often take a very long time to sell and will realize a reduced price when they do sell.
If you have bought a house with narrow or steep stairs there are things that you can (should) do to ease this problem.
1, Spiral staircases are often thought of as a magic solution to this problem by people who have never lived with one. They are not and do little to address the problems previously stated.
2, Ships ladders ( very steep ladder like stairs ) are not a solution either and will make your property impossible to rent out and you liable for any accidents.
3, Small staircases with a narrow width and small tread ( the part where you place your feet ) are just as dangerous as ships ladders. There are regulations as to how wide and deep stair treads should be.
4, Uneven tread heights. You may be able to live with them but they are going to catch you out in the end. Tripping and falling onto the stairs is very,very painful indeed. There are also regulations stating how high treads should be.

5, Woodworm infested or rotten stairs. The stairs creak a lot when walked upon, they sag a little when you put your weight on them. They will last a few years yet !.
Think of them more like trap doors which will one day give way and you will have them repaired promptly. Finally Banisters, Don’t be tempted not to have any. The council won’t give you a habitation license for a start and for good reason. The once that you reach for it and its not there is the day you will regret not having fitted it. Make sure any existing banisters are securely fitted and complete. If you would like advice on creating a safe staircase in your existing home or creating a staircase that won’t take up much space talk to on skype “casteloconstruction” by email or 00351 927168247