Heating & cooling your home in Portugal
Heating & cooling your home in Portugal The clear blue skies can be very convincing that is not really winter in January however as the temperature drops during the night you will be glad of the heating that you installed in your home.
We recommend at the very least you have a pre-installation so that you can add a boiler and radiators later without too much fuss or disturbance. Radiators are common here and come in a range of sizes to suit all applications. There are also electric/oil filled radiators in a similar style to the one above so you can mix and match. How do you know what size of radiator you need for a particular room. To help you in calculating the size of radiators for each room and the size of boiler that you need to power them there are several web-based tools available. For instance – http://www.homesupply.co.uk/radiator_output_calculator.php http://www.radcalcs.com/ http://muswellhill.com/foxandco/pages/calculating_radiator_sizes.htm
Make sure that you put all the relevant information into the calculators so that you get a reliable answer. As for boilers there is gas (Propane or Butane), oil, wood pellet and biomass to choose from.
Check out our website with many completed projects WWW.casteloconstruction.com
Heating & cooling your home in Portugal